Whining and WINNING…… what’s the difference other than the “H”? As business owners and managers as well as sales professionals that “H” determines our level of success or weather we even have success at all. We can continue to whine about the economy, poor sales, bad employees, unfair competition. The list is endless. Or we can seek and commit to ways to WIN!!! This means extracting all the negative elements out of your business life. Stop buying into the gloom and doom. While it’s the easier path, it takes you nowhere but to failure. Spend your time looking for opportunities (they’re there if you look for them) and stop spending time living in a world of negativity and excuses.
The opportunity to succeed is many times harder to find than the excuse to fail. Reasons to fail are everywhere. They’re at the office water cooler, on the nightly news and maybe even at that neighborhood cookout. Instead of being a part of the whining, be a part of the WINNING! Be prepared, whiners will not want to be around you. They enjoy the role of the whiner because whining is easier than WINNING. When you bring your WINNING approach to the whiners they’ll mock you and claim you’re an unrealistic dreamer while they continue to seek all the reasons to continue their quest for failure. WINNING calls for accountability, learning and change, whining calls for status quo and rationalization by the creation of excuses. WINNING yields positive results and whining yields frustration and failure.

Get the “H” out of your life today!!!!!


Ways to remove the “H”
• Read positive material daily.
• Turn off the new. You can’t change it. It can only change you.
• Minimize conversations with negative people.
• Look for opportunities to succeed, not reasons to fail.
• Develop a plan for success


Positive Reading Links
Seth Godin http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/page/2/
Success Magazine http://www.success.com/articles/1881–the-customer-is-king
Success Magazine http://www.success.com/articles/1849—-women-in-small-business–infographic
John C. Maxwell http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/68.John_C_Maxwell/blog